It happens that travelers go to a foreign country in search of adventure and find them already at the border. And in any of the countries are prohibited items that we used to enjoy at home. Some novice smugglers manage to smuggle them through customs, but no one knows, maybe airport employees will want to check is your luggage.
Chewing gum in Singapore
In Singapore for more than 20 years old are prohibited to import chewing gum. So local authorities fight for the purity of the local streets: because of the hot climate spit gum can not be removed from the sidewalk. As discarded gum stuck in the subway doors, making it difficult to work trains. Violation is punishable by a fine of 500 Singapore dollars. Today you can only buy gum at local pharmacies, showing a doctor's prescription.Some tourists manage to carry gum as illicit cigarettes in Singapore (for them to pay a fee). But joking with the laws of this country, we do not recommend that - if caught on the street, have been attributed to the police.
Phone in Indonesia Indonesia
Customs rules on par with weapons, drugs and explosives prohibit carry cordless phones. Equipment without special permission may be withdrawn. Another oddity: prints in Chinese will also be confiscated, and all the books, tapes and CDs will be given information on the check.
We are not talking about mobile phones, but about those devices that we use at home.
Contraceptives in the Philippines
In the Philippines, abortion is prohibited by law. Tourists, who are accustomed to carry on a trip home first aid kit, should probably be prepared to check it on the content of medicines for abortion. Withdrawn and will manufacture components for such funds. Carry only what is really needed and what conclusion can be applied by a doctor.
By the way, in the UAE can not be imported, many sedatives and painkillers, such as valokordin, Corvalolum "Pentalgin", "Immodium", "sedalgin" "Nurofen" "Solpadein" etc.
Camouflage in Barbados
In Russia, even on a pretty girl, you can see the clothes spotted camouflaged, and the territory of Barbados wearing camouflage strictly prohibited. In the Caribbean is the prerogative of the military authorities and their cherished reputation. Therefore, tour clothing colors such offer change and say goodbye to "lzheboevym" vestments.
Camouflage Barbados cause, primarily surprise locals. They truly do not understand how these clothes can be worn by ordinary people in Europe.
Carbonated water in Nigeria
Those who want to spend a small bottle of mineral water across the border in Nigeria acquire the status of smugglers and receive a large fine or even imprisonment for six months. Any carbonated beverages imported into this country is prohibited, as well as seemingly harmless items such as mosquito nets and fabrics.
In the list of prohibited goods in Nigeria were also beer, fruit and vegetables.
Appliances in Cuba
Going to Cuba, do not put in a suitcase travel iron, it may be confiscated at the border. The ban applies to other appliances: electric frying pan, toaster, kettle, tile, water heater, etc..
In some cases it is possible to import vehicles of a certain power, but understand all the intricacies impossible - which is used by Cuban customs.
Kinder Surprise in the U.S.
In 2010, the U.S. had registered 1,700 incidents of an unfortunate chocolate eggs. This was the reason for the ban not only on the wholesale import Kinder Surprise, but also on the unit. Measure explained by the fact that inside the eggs contained "not edible components", which can be dangerous for a young child. Possible penalty for the importation of 300 $.
Curious title of one of the online publications on this subject: "American customs tear eggs in children." But the ban is really serious.
New clothes in Malaysia
Dandies better not to go to Malaysia. The importation of more than one pair of shoes and not yet three items of new clothing is strictly forbidden by law. If in your suitcase will miraculously shirts printed with quotations from the Koran - they also did not cross the border of this multicultural country. Since such things are not joking, like weapons: you can not even carry a toy.
Ban exists to buy more tourist in Malaysia itself. Restrictions on the import and export of goods for a certain amount is in many countries.
Musical Instruments in New Zealand
Surprisingly, bring a friend in New Zealand favorite guitar or flute is unlikely to succeed. Exception will be those when the tourist is obliged to take out a musical instrument back. Attention local customs attract workers and various equipment on wheels: bicycles, wheelchairs and even children's toys on wheels.
Question of musical instruments is very topical, as in New Zealand, as well as in neighboring Australia, the quality of music are paying much attention - here have excellent recording studios.
Spirits in Madagascar
Exotic Indian Ocean island of Madagascar is known among seasoned travelers with its unique flora and fauna, as well as a strict ban on the import of perfumes. Perhaps this is due to the fact that Madagascar is considered to be the birthplace of vanilla, are located here factories producing perfume oils - eucalyptus, ylang-ylang, etc. Therefore, beloved, but even more expensive perfume is better to leave the house.
Customs Madagascar provides a rather vague information on this matter. Rather, it is a question of payment of the fee, but it is better not to risk it.