
10 well-known problems in the human body that we purchased with the evolution

Many believe that the human body - a perfect creation of nature, where all parts and mechanisms are located in place to operate as efficiently as possible. However, if you look closely, it is easy to see that in reality it is not so.

Dual function of the pharynx

The fact that we use the same channel - throat - and for eating and breathing, cost the lives of millions of people in history who died from accidental suffocation while eating.

Inability to the biosynthesis of vitamin C

Vitamin C is vital nebhodim - it plays a crucial role in the synthesis of collagen, and is also an antioxidant. However, humans (as well as primates, guinea pigs, some species of bats and birds) in the course of evolution have lost the ability to produce its own and forced to eat outside. Lack of vitamin C leads to a weakening of the immune system and, in severe cases, to scurvy

Uncomfortable urine channel in men

Urinary tract in the male prostate gland pass through instead of her skirt - as a result of swelling of the channel (eg, due to inflammation) blocks sexual function.

The close proximity of the genitals and rectum outlet

This "neighborhood" uncomfortable and unhygienic, and leads to the spread of infections of the urinary tract and bladder, especially in women (remember, ladies, front to back)

The versatility of our genitals

Using the same organs for waste elimination and reproduction possible and justified in terms of design, but gives a lot of trouble in operation. For example, in the process of sexual intercourse the bacteria can get into the urethra, leading to reproductive tract infections, chlamydia, and many mikroplazmozu what else.

Very narrow channel of childbearing

Childbearing women occur very painful - and all because of what Mother Nature has endowed human females too narrow birth canal. In addition to discomfort, this feature increases the risks of anatomy birth injury mother and child. Apparently, excessive narrowness of the birth canal - a consequence of rapid evolutionary jump from human to chetvernogogo bipedal

Congestion spine

Evolution of human bipedalism gave - bipedalism and awarded him back problems. Paleontologist Bruce Latimer explains:

«When people started to move vertically their spine evolved to become more rigid and fitted, for example, climbing trees and rocks. However, to keep the body above the waist in an upright position, keep your head and do not interfere with fertility, the spine should be straight and bent forward as if lordosis, that is to have an S-shape. All that people are above the waist creates a pressure on the spine, which leads to stoop, curvatures, chronic fatigue and backache. If even a very good care of your back, spine can operate without problems 40-50 years. "

Excessive complexity of the device of human foot

Anthropologist Jeremy DeSilva of Boston University says:
«Our feet contain so many" parts "because it had to be our primate ancestors to move along the branches of trees. But since then, as we "down from the trees," and began to move on solid ground, the foot has changed to become more sustainable. Thumb stopped opposed to other fingers and arch began work as a shock absorber. But the problem is that in the legs still too many moving parts and ligaments, whose role in the movement of modern man is not too important. Because of this, we have such a "nice" things like stretching ankle plantar fasciitis, broken ankle, etc.
much more convenient it would be foot structure similar to, for example, the ostrich - ankle and tibia he represent a coherent structure, only two fingers, wherein they do participate in the management of the movement. Why do we have such legs? Perhaps because human evolution is still too "young" - ostriches got their feet about 230 million years ago, in the era of the dinosaurs, while as a person walks upright just five million years. "

Knees are also not very

The same reason - because of the overload of bipedal locomotion, which complicates the functioning of the knee. We have to distribute your weight on just two limbs, leading to pain and arthritis.

 Only one set of teeth

 You only have one set of teeth for a lifetime - and the statistics you can save it in full to a maximum of 35 years. Teeth are not updated - yet another proof that the evolution of the people appointed only one main function: the birth of children and the (relatively short) period of caring for them. And nothing more.

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