
A trip to the Lago-Naki plateau

Lago-Naki - is a plateau in the western Caucasus, located at an altitude of 2,200 meters. This place is famous for its alpine meadows and spectacular views. Today you will go along with blogger oskanov on a photo tour around this stunning place. Be prepared, under the cut you will have to wait for an abundance of beautiful images of autumn.

From the height of the picture opened enchanting!

Cloudy days and an abundance of bright red mist prevented the sunrise. It turned out like this.

After lunch we went into the woods to shoot. Forests in the Caucasus are very picturesque, but because when you get them, the eyes just run away and you do not know what to photograph. The people immediately dispersed in place, and were only heard enthusiastic cheers. Most of my.

I am very much afraid that it starts to rain, and we can not shoot enough. There was, of course, a plan "B" - to return to the guest house and listen to a lecture about Vlad image processing, but the plan "A" - pofotkat nature - was more desirable for all members of the group. We were lucky - the rain we got the gorgeous fog that enveloped the entire forest.

Yet again I found myself on a sad thought - I'm lazy. As usual, I wished I had brought the shutter and as a result of a little over two hundred personnel. Vlad was also unstoppable and, like a young deer, play in the woods for miles. And I made for myself a finding - made frames feet. Think less - more walk.

 After we came out of the forest onto the road and went along Skalnik. The views were fantastic. I thought that many of the photos in a separate folder and will be taking stage design for the novel there. However, I doubt that I have the words.

 The wind began to blow away the fog that lay like a blanket over the forest. The sun came out. We decided to get on Skalník and shoot with upland forest, through the haze of bald spots, scattered by the winds.

 The first day we walked a lot, and in the evening all get tired. It was time to go back for dinner. We boarded the bus, and the forest was surprised looking after a group of strange men armed with guns and strange tripod.

 Landscape photo tour without a tripod - money down the drain!

 The next day we decided to dedicate "water procedures," and went to the river, where it was possible to practice shooting skills at slow shutter speeds. Such places in the surrounding area were numerous. So the window of opportunity was huge.

 After the gorge we went to the river, where there was a curious three hundred meter long suspension bridge. I tried to take the river on a long exposure, but people were walking on the bridge of our group and he was swinging, why lubricated in the frame. So I decided to remove the bridge later, and went to see what was on the other side.

 After the gorge we went to the river, where there was a curious three hundred meter long suspension bridge. I tried to take the river on a long exposure, but people were walking on the bridge of our group and he was swinging, why lubricated in the frame. So I decided to remove the bridge later, and went to see what was on the other side.

 Started to rain. But I noticed that the little rain does not bother shooting. On the contrary - the kind of weather makes all the juicy and fresh paint. The main thing - do not wet the hard camera.

 After the photo session at the bridge, we visited a few specific points where you could enjoy the scenery of the mountain rivers. The beauty of these places are literally pouring from every angle. Her so much that sometimes it starts to wear off perception, perceiving another scenic view of ordinariness

 Within mы took a tour territoriyu Kavkazskogo commander. Like a museum. There imeetsya women and dolymen - drevnee megaliticheskoe sooruzhenie, koih Caucasus vstrechaetsya HEMA.

 Eshtё commander of territorii try эlektrostantsiya Situated on 30 x godov XX century with burzhuyskim oborudovaniem of England. Plotinus in эlektrostantsii eshtё Odin primechatelynыy obaekt on kotorom potrenirovatysya possible.

I have not seen anywhere else such moss, which grows in the Caucasus. They literally span the trees, creating a surreal, unusual eye views.

 While I admired the nature, the people enthusiastically took off. Individual tour and so good that you can take as much as you want and no one will be customized. All the more so when traveling supporters, we all understand each other.

At the end of the tour has become a tradition to arrange an evening barbecue and social gatherings. I think the next round we'll have in the winter, after the new year, so that everyone has the opportunity to prepare and handle all their affairs in advance. Well, those who for some reason can not go with us, waiting for a few essays on the already held round.

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