
10 strangest cases of amnesia

One of the most popular scenarios in fiction is memory loss or amnesia in humans. Of course, in real life cases of amnesia does not occur as frequently as in soap operas, plus they can manifest themselves in different forms. However, when these events occur, they become a source of interesting stories, even if you later turn out to be a complete hoax. One of these cases is entertaining amnesia Benjaman Kyle, middle-aged man who has lost his memory after the attack and still does not know who is really is. However, this is not the only strange case of amnesia (not even close to the weirdest).

 Ansel Bourne

One of the most famous cases of amnesia in pop culture is the case of Jason Bourne, a character who was forced to reveal her past as an assassin for the government after it lost its memory. So it's no surprise that Jason Bourne was named in honor of one of the first people whose case of amnesia became well-known. Ansel Bourne was a preacher of the gospel of Greene, Rhode Island, which is January 17, 1887 decided to go to visit my sister in Providence. However, for some inexplicable reason, he took his savings and went to Norristown, Pennsylvania. While there, he decided to open a general store under the name of Albert J Brown, and started a new life.

When Born woke up in the morning on March 15, he had no idea where he is. He was really taken aback when people told him that his name is Albert J. Brown. For him, the court was still Jan. 17, and he did not remember his two previous months in Norristown. After he returned home SPR (Society for Physical Research) closely studied his case. Under hypnosis, he thought he was Albert J. Brown. In a state of hypnosis Bourne told backstory about Brown. Prehistory was similar to his own, but he denied that he knew someone named Ansel Bourne. Perhaps it was the first documented case of a mental disorder known as "dissociative fugue". The disease is a form of dissociative amnesia, in which a man loses his identity for a while, and then suddenly the memory returns. After hypnosis Ansel Bourne lived the rest of his life without incident and never took the identity of Albert J. Brown.

Clive Wearing

Received serious brain injury, the protagonist of the acclaimed film by Christopher Nolan «Memento" suffers from anterograde amnesia. Although he still remembers his past, he can not create new memories. Although his condition is realistic, it is much rarer than retrograde amnesia, which implies a complete loss of memory of his past. However, the British musicologist named Clive Wearing has a dubious honor to suffer from both forms of amnesia in one and the same time. 27 March 1985 46-year-old Waring ill herpetic encephalitis is very rare form of herpes simplex virus that attacks the central nervous system. As a result, Waring can not remember how the events of his past, and to capture new memories in his brain.

Virus Waring seriously damaged the hippocampus, a brain area that transmits memories from short-term memory into long-term memory. As a result, his brain can store new memories for only a few seconds before he forgets them again. Waring also does not remember most of the details of his life before 1985. He remembers that he had children from a previous marriage, but can not remember their names. However, its procedural memory is still working, it means that even though he can not remember his musical education, he still knows how to play the piano. It sounds awful, but Waring managed to live in these difficult circumstances the last 28 years.

Sywald Skeid

November 28, 1999 a young man at the age of twenty-odd years had wandered into the hospital emergency room, located in Toronto, Canada. His nose was broken and it seemed that he was the victim of an attack. The man spoke with a foreign accent, but it did not have any identification, and he claimed he did not have the slightest idea of ​​who he is. Doctors who he was treated, diagnosed him with post-traumatic global amnesia. When the press got wind of the story about him, he got the nickname "Mr. Nobody." After discharge from the hospital, Mr. Nobody in a few weeks living in a shelter before the tender-hearted couple from Ontario sheltered him. Over the years, a young man wearing a variety of names, but in the end settled on the name Sivald Skeyd.

Photos Skeyda and his fingerprints were circulated in an attempt to determine his identity, but he refused all offers of treatment his amnesia. He moved to Vancouver and met with a lawyer to apply for Canadian citizenship, and eventually married the daughter of a lawyer. Police received a tip-off, which reported that Skeyd was a native of France, where he worked as a model, and his name was George Lek (Georges Lecuit), but later it turned out that the passport of the Lek was stolen in 1998. Skeyd and his wife fled the country and were later found living in Portugal, where he tried to obtain Portuguese citizenship. Skeyd finally told his full story in an exclusive interview in June 2007, which was published in the magazine GQ. He came from a poor peasant family of Romanian, and his real name was Cyprian Skeyd (Ciprian Skeid). In the end, Skeyd admitted that invented the whole story with amnesia to get away from his past and gain citizenship of another country.

Jody Roberts

In 1985, the 26-year-old Jody Roberts lived in Tacoma , Washington, and worked as a correspondent for «Tacoma News Tribune». In May of the same year, Roberts friends and her family began to notice some strange changes: she stopped to look after themselves and began to drink much more than usual. May 20 she mysteriously disappeared and has not appeared in the eyes of their loved ones for 12 years. They, of course, did not know that five days later, disoriented Roberts was found wandering in a shopping center in the city of Aurora , Colorado, more than 1,600 miles from home. If it did not have identity cards, but had a key to the car brand Toyota, which have failed to detect. She was admitted to hospital in Denver, where doctors determined that she fell into a state of dissociative fugue, and she developed amnesia.

Roberts, who was unable to remember who she is, the beginning of a new life after leaving the hospital. She took the name Jane Dee , got a job at a fast food restaurant, and attended the University of Denver . After moving to Sitka, Alaska, Roberts married a fisherman and twice gave birth to twin girls, and started a new career as a web designer. In 1997, one of Alaska's employees saw a photo of Jane Di Jodi Roberts on the news of Seattle and recognized her. Roberts eventually reunited with her old friends and family in Tacoma, but, nevertheless, have not thought about them. While doctors suggest that severe stress could cause her dissociative fugue state they can not explain how Jody Roberts was in the state of Colorado.

Raymond Robins

Raymond Robins was a renowned economist and supporter of organized labor, which often worked closely with the White House on issues such as the prohibition law and the establishment of diplomatic relations with Russia. September 3, 1932 at Robins was scheduled to meet with President Herbert Hoover (, but he never showed up. He was last seen leaving the «City Club» in Manhattan. The disappearance of the Robins hit the headlines, leading to speculation that perhaps he was the victim of organized crime. At the same time, there were rumors that he behaved strangely, wandering through the streets of Chicago. November 18 Robins found living under the name of Reynolds Rogers in the city of Whittier, in the mountains of North Carolina.

Apparently, Robins arrived in the city a week after his disappearance, claiming that he was miner from Kentucky. He lived in a boarding house, dedicate most of their time exploration work, and became a popular figure in the community. However, in spite of the fact that by the time the Robins had grown a beard, the 12-year-old boy found his picture in the newspaper and contacted the authorities. Robins nephew went to Whittier to identify him, but Robins did not recognize him, and have no memory of their previous lives. After reuniting with his wife and the passage of mental health treatment, Robins finally began to recover his memory. Has been theorized that the combination of stress and emotional stress may have caused Robins enter into a state of dissociative fugue, which prompted him to take a new identity.

Barre Cox

In 1984, a 31-year-old Wesley Barrett "Barre" Cox had a wife and six-month daughter, and he worked as a priest in San Antonio. July 11 Cox, has just made a trip to Lubbock, called his wife to tell her that he was planning to go to Abilene and see where their friends. The next day, Cox's car was found abandoned and looted on a rural road in the Jones County, and the contents of his wallet were scattered across the ground. People have noticed that early in the morning, Cox went store is next door and bought two cans of fuel. He claimed that his car ran out of gas, so the police gave him a lift back to the car. Cox was never seen again until 2000, when he was found working as a priest in a gay church in Dallas. In the church, he was known by the name of James Simmons.

Cox said that he was beaten, and then people have found him unconscious in the boot of a car in the junkyard of Memphis. He was taken to a hospital, where he was in a coma for two weeks. After leaving the hospital, Cox began a new life and, eventually, became a priest in a gay church. However, the authorities have not been able to find records of the police or the hospital, who were able to confirm the story of Cox. The policeman, who picked up a Cox back to his car, noticed in the trunk of his car motorcycle. This bike was not there when the car was found abandoned. In addition, the witnesses on the same day saw a man riding a motorcycle that the description was similar to Cox. This led to the suspicion that the Bar Cox decided to fine-tune his disappearance and find a new life, having learned that he was gay.

Michelle Philpotts

In the comedy "50 First Dates" Drew Barrymore plays the role of a woman who suffered a serious head injury she received in a car crash. As a result, she developed a rare form of anterograde amnesia that caused her memory is emptied every time she goes to sleep. After she wakes up, her new memories are erased, and she believes that it is the day of her accident. It's hard to believe, but the film is actually based on a true story. In 1985, Michelle Philpotts of England suffered a head injury during a motorcycle accident. Five years later she re-injured his head, was in a serious car accident. These injuries together have caused enough damage to the brain Philpotts, and it is, after all, went into convulsions. She was diagnosed with epilepsy. By 1994, she suffered from anterograde amnesia and completely lost the ability to create new memories.

In the last 20 years, all the memories Philpotts disappear as soon as she goes to sleep. When she wakes up, she finds that the yard was still 1994. Despite the fact that Philpotts met her husband long before she began to suffer from amnesia, in fact, they were married only in 1997. As a result, the husband must Philpotts every morning to show her their wedding photographs to remind her that they are married. During an appearance on the program «Today Show» with Matt Lauer, Philpotts actually forgot the name of Lauer midst of their interview. Despite the fact that she had surgery to remove the damaged brain cells and put an end to her seizures, it is highly unlikely that her condition will improve or that it erased the memories come back.

Doug Bruce

The morning of July 3, 2003 an unknown man with a British accent came to the police station in New York and told the police that he did not know who he is. Shortly before the arrival of the police, he woke up in the train station, did not know how it got there, and since it had no documents proving his identity, he did not even know his name. The man was admitted to hospital nearby, where it remained for several days until it was detected backpack number. Number belonged to a woman who knew Doug, who identified him as Doug Bruce. Bruce was a British citizen who made millions by working banker in Paris before moving to New York to pursue a degree in photography. However, even after Bruce was escorted home to his mansion in Manhattan, he did not remember this place or any other facts about his life.

Presumably Bruce suffers from a very rare form of retrograde amnesia, and he became the subject of the famous documentary titled Unknown White Male. The film became a subject of controversy, as some people have claimed that the story of Bruce is full of hypocrisy. The experts were unable to identify a specific traumatic incident that could cause amnesia Bruce and some of them have expressed doubt that it is genuine. Shortly before the incident, one of the friends of Bruce survived his battle with short-term amnesia after suffering a traumatic brain injury, which led to gossip that the incident may have inspired the Arc on what to concoct false. Doug Bruce pretends to be or not, but he still shows no sign of recovery in the memory.

Anthelme Mangin

February 4, 1918 disoriented French soldier was found wandering the platform of the railway station Brotteaux in Lyon, France. When the soldier did not have any identification, but after he was asked, he said that he thought his name was Anthelme Mangin. However, he did not know anything more about his life and could not remember how he ended up on the train platform. Mangin was placed in a psychiatric hospital, and over the years moved from one institution to another, trying to establish his identity.
Photo Mangin has been published in many newspapers and more than 300 families have stated that he is a member of their family. However, Mangin did not remember any of them, and none of these families are not able to prove that they were his relatives. Finally, in 1930, the family of the commune of Saint-Maur , Indre Mangin identified as a former waiter named Octave Monjoin, who went off to fight in World War I, but never returned. In August 1914 Monzhoan was wounded and taken prisoner along with 65 other French soldiers on the Western Front. In January 1918, after the soldiers spent 3.5 years in a number of camps, they were sent back to France. However, the documents Monzhoana were lost, so his family did not know he came home. It is believed that Monzhoan lost his memory due to the traumatic events he experienced during the war.

Agatha Christie

Based on the fact that Agatha Christie was perhaps the most famous author of detective novels of all time, it is logical to assume that it became the center of his own strange secrets in 1926. Evening of December 3 36-year-old Christie mysteriously disappeared from his home in Sunningdale, England. The next morning, abandoned her car was found an hour at Newlands Corner, but she was nowhere to be seen. The disappearance of Christie caused a lot of noise, and as soon as there was a rumor that her husband, Archibald, recently asked for a divorce, people began to think that he killed her. Finally, on December 14, Christie was found alive and healthy. It is registered under the name of Teresa Neele at Swan Hydropathic in Harrogate. She claimed that she had no idea how it got there.

Since then always conducted discussion about what happened with Christy during these 11 days. At the time, many believed that she faked her disappearance for advertising or as a way to return to her husband - the more that Teresa Neal, as it turned out, was the name of his mistress. However, there is evidence that Christie may have entered the state of dissociative fugue and really lost her memory. In the morning when she disappeared, the witness met her walking down the road. Despite the cold weather, it was nothing but a thin dress and it seemed she was upset and confused. It has been suggested that the upcoming divorce Christie and the recent death of her mother forced her to fall into a deep depression. An accident with a car can become a turning point, because of which it has occurred amnesia and forgot who she was. Agatha Christie died in 1976, and took the whole truth about what happened to her, to her grave.

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