
Five products that are certainly good for health!

Most people want to live longer. Those who traded the second hundred, willing to share their experience, but in fact the recipe for longevity for everybody. Nevertheless, there are General recommendations: sleep longer, play sports, do not succumb to stress... and, of course, eat as well as possible. Here are the products that are certainly good for health!

1. Oily fish

Five products that are certainly good for health Oily fish

Fish oil many remember from childhood (and no longer try, but in vain). It is very healthy thanks to carotenoids, which improve brain function. And a recent study has shown that omega-3 can really prolong life! After analyzing information about 2,600 American adults with an average age of 74 years, it was found that those who have higher blood levels of omega-3 (two fish dishes per week), 18% less risk of chronic illness and experience mental or physical difficulties.

2. Nuts

Five products that are certainly good for health Nuts

A favorite snack can add life for a few more years. Two large studies have shown that the more often a person eats nuts, the less risk of dying young from cancer, heart attack or complications of viral infections.

Nuts are full of nutrients that protect the heart and help fight inflammation. Unsaturated fats, dietary fibers, folic acid, vitamin E, potassium, magnesium, calcium, antioxidants — these are only part of an extensive list.

If you're worried about their high calorie, limit the portion to 30 grams (which is a lot!). Since the nuts are perfectly saturate, they are quite difficult to overeat.

3. Whole grain products

Five products that are certainly good for health Whole grain products

If you have no problems with gluten tolerance, whole grain bread and pasta will not only do no harm, but also help you to live longer. According to scientists, one extra piece of bread reduces the risk of sudden death by 5%, and the risk of dying from heart problems — by 9%. B vitamins, vitamin E, magnesium, dietary fiber-in bread a lot of useful.

4. Spicy food

Five products that are certainly good for health Spicy food

Eating of spicy food promotes longevity. A study involving 450,000 Chinese of both sexes found that those who eat spicy 6-7 times a week, reduces the risk of death by 14% compared to those who add chili once a week. It's about capsaicin, a substance found in hot pepper. This antioxidant helps fight inflammation, lowers blood sugar and promotes weight loss. The best result-those who in addition also do not drink alcohol.

5. Seaweed

Five products that are certainly good for health Seaweed

Due to the high content of iodine and fucoidan, they improve thyroid function and fight inflammation. In addition, low-calorie algae, but quickly create a feeling of saturation.

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