
Scientists have identified, when is the best time to drink coffee. And it's not morning!

If it happens that you are still yawning after a morning Cup of coffee, then maybe you are doing something wrong!

time to drink coffee

Guys who know a lot about science claim that the morning period, when you like zombies Puttering around the kitchen, not the best time to load the body with caffeine.

during coffee

Our internal biological clock control the release of cortisol (a stress hormone) during the day, and this is directly related to the level of cheerfulness. The amount of cortisol in the system at the peak between 8 and 9 am, which means your body is trying to Wake you up anyway.

Scientists have discovered that drinking coffee during this hour inhibits natural processes and tugging it in time, so you have some time, even after drinking coffee, can't Wake up.

the period during coffee

Other periods in the period during which you should avoid, pour a coffee from 12 to 1 PM and from 5:30 to 6:30 PM. Usually every meal, so the body is usually programmed to other physiological processes and coffee will be in store.

Our biological clock is very simple. Dark - sleep, light - to stay awake. Therefore, before using caffeine to usbtiny give a head start to your body, he can handle it no worse than coffee and with greater health benefits. And if you really want to savor a flavorful beverage, choose a time between "bescheinigung" for hours.

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