
Top 10 most expensive dog breeds in the world

Grooming dogs sometimes get quite expensive: a few basic vaccinations, food and supplies already can cost about a thousand dollars. But often the purchase itself dog - not less wasteful part. Depending on the breed, a pet can cost you from a thousand to several tens of thousands of dollars. Below you will be presented a list of 10 most expensive dog breeds in the world, according to the American Kennel Club.

10 Saluki - about 2500 dollars


Saluki been known to mankind since the time of the pharaohs. This dog breed was popular among merchants who traveled along the Silk Road and hunters to help them in catching hares and gazelles. This is one of the oldest domesticated breeds of dogs, which has been preserved in its purest form so far.

Saluki - long slender dog-like long-haired greyhounds. Males reach up to 70 cm at the withers and weight 27 kg. These dogs prefer to stay separately and independently of the environment, which makes them not the best choice for those who acquires the animals for the first time. Saluki love movement, therefore, having acquired this breed, be prepared for the fact that you have to leave the most comfortable chair.

9. Pharaoh Hound - up to 6500 dollars

Pharaoh Hound

In spite of such a grandiose name, this breed of dog was bred in Egypt. This breed - a symbol of Malta, graceful and elegant, all his views it expresses belonging to royal blood. One of the distinguishing features of these dogs - their ears and noses turn red when the animals are excited and happy to.

Pharaoh Hound have short reddish hair and red padded paws, whiskers and noses. Despite the fact that a dog of this breed can reach a weight of 27 pounds, frequent less severe instances. Growth of females usually ranges 53 centimeters, while males reach 63 inches at the withers. Stubborn and independent, these dogs can have difficulty with learning, but if you turn out to find her approach of Pharaoh Hound will devotee comrade and friend.

8. Tibetan Mastiff - up to 7000 dollars

Tibetan Mastiff

Tibetan Mastiff - another ancient breed of dog, in addition, they are considered the biggest dogs in the world. Initially, this breed of dog was prevalent in Nepal and China, some individuals can reach a weight of 73 kilograms and 83 centimeters at the withers. In ancient times, mastiffs were excellent protection for sheep and houses from leopards and wolves.

Tibetan mastiffs can be stubborn that will require you to extra effort in training. And although it is usually to get a dog of this breed is not difficult, special value is the puppies, whose parents were born and raised in Nepal. In 2013, one such Tibetan Mastiff has been sold in China for $ 1.9 million.

7. Levhen - from 3000 USD

Translated from the German, the name of the breed means "little lion". These dogs are similar to other small breeds, though often grow up to 3.5 inches at the shoulder and weighing up to 8 kg. Purebred levhenov quite difficult to find each year in the official Kennel Club worldwide recorded a total of only a few hundred puppies of this breed. Originally, these dogs accompanied the royals medieval France and Germany. By nature they are, above all, playful and friendly companion dogs. Official for this breed is considered to be a lion haircut, shave wool dog when only the lower part of the body.

6. Akita - about 4500 dollars


This breed of dog is probably one of the most famous of our list, it's all thanks to the movie "Hachiko", filmed in Hollywood. Originally from northern Japan, this breed of dogs today divided into two variants: Japanese Akita (or Akita Inu) and the American Akita. Both options are rather expensive, but the Japanese Akita is usually slightly more expensive than the American.

Akita has the appearance and temperament, similar to other Spitz (including Siberian Husky). These are large dogs that are well adapted to low temperatures, with large heads and double undercoat. Japanese Akita little less American, but their temperaments are similar, including a high degree of commitment to protect its territory and family. They are incredibly cleanly.

5. Samoyed dog - from 4 000 to 10 000 dollars

Samoyed dog

Originally bred Samoyed nomadic tribes living in Siberia. This breed of dog was bred not only to aid in grazing, but also as a riding animal (a local alternative to the Siberian Husky). Samoyeds - tough, strong and hardened animals. Males can reach a weight of 30 kilograms. And although their pastoral abilities virtually useless in an urban environment, their friendliness and sociability conquered many hearts.

If you decide to get a dog of this breed, consider the fact that if Samoyed bored, he will start to dig into the ground, so if you do not need a yard dug over, try to take the dog thing. Because they are too friendly for guard dogs, it would be wiser to keep them indoors. In addition, the wool of these dogs has hypoallergenic properties, and in some parts of the world from her knit gloves and scarves.

4. Peruvian Inca Orchid - up to 3000 dollars

Peruvian Inca Orchid

This breed of dog is probably one of the strangest in the world. Completely naked, except for a few islands of the skin on the head and legs, it has a gray color, which sometimes can be added mottled spots. There are three species of these animals, depending on the size from the tiny 4-kg dogs to 25 kg individuals.

Although this breed might seem very reasonable (forgive the constant visits to the hairdresser), do not hurry to rejoice, as for the dog's skin requires a separate treatment. Without protecting her hair, the skin of this dog has a tendency to clog pores, dryness, and can even burn in the sun. In addition, this breed is not the best choice in cold climates.

3. Azawakh - 3 000 dollars and up


Azawakh - one of the few species of African dogs available for purchase in the United States and Canada. Originally, they were bred by nomadic tribes as a hunting and guard dogs. These dogs are capable of speeds up to 65 kilometers per hour, so they are often used in the hunting of hares and gazelles. This is a very courageous dog that will protect their flock (which includes persons) from any predator, regardless of its size.

Usually it is very lean and tall dog, whose height reaches 73 inches at the withers. Their structure is such that even when well-fed, this dog will always stick out of the bone. This breed of dog is very active and needs a caring owner.

2. Rottweiler - up to 6000 dollars


Originally this breed dogs were taken to be used as draft animals, and in fact, until the 19th century Rottweilers were used to deliver the carts laden with meat on the market. Also, this breed is often used for grazing and protecting warehouses. Strong, hardy and very intelligent, these dogs can reach a weight of 60 kilograms.

This fearless dog, ready to defend his master from anything. In addition, they have well-developed sense of the protection of their territory, so the dog needs a high-quality training at an early age. Despite the fact that Hollywood is positioning these dogs as cruel and aggressive, in fact, well-trained Rottweiler will be a great friend and favorite of the whole family.

1. Czechoslovakian wolf dog - cost unknown

Czechoslovakian wolf dog

The first thing you need to learn about the Czechoslovakian wolf dog, is that in order to become the owner, you will likely have to make a trip to the Czech Republic. Outside their homeland, the breed is almost unknown. It was bred in 1955 by mixing the Carpathian wolves with purebred German Shepherds. The result is a dog that is very similar to the wolf, which has a lively character and great activity. This is a very sociable breed that loves his family. Even though she very distinct hunting instincts, early learning is able to solve this problem and then it will be able to quietly get on with smaller animals, which usually takes as prey. Czechoslovakian wolf dogs - experts in sign language, and very rarely the votes cast.

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