
36 most pleasant sensations in the world

How often have the greatest pleasure in life we ​​get from very simple and unassuming, seemingly things from favorite foods, flavor or a gentle touch.

However, these "small pleasures of life" is actually much more diverse. Users of social networks have decided to create your list of little things can give true happiness. Often such detail is quite enough to lift the mood and return the lost optimism. Among these "sources of happiness" meet as usual, familiar to all of us, and quite bizarre:

- Remove the uncomfortable shoes after long hours of forced "torment»

- immerse your fingers in buckwheat or rice cereal

- kiss baby in soft velvet cheek

- «burst» packaging of plastic with air bubbles inside

- flip your pillow cold side

- take a shower perfect temperature, not cold and not hot

- rasprobovat first slice favorite food

- sleep after a tiring day and sleepless night

- drown readily in first kiss lover

- inhale the scent of a new book, anticipating the joy of reading

- savor the first sip morning coffee

- skin feel all warm sunlight, especially in the early spring after a long cold

- walk on a warm evening sand

- and put on fresh clothes ironed

- walking in the warm summer rain

- jump into the cool water on a hot summer day

- run barefoot on dewy grass

- breathe the fresh scent of ozone in the storm

- dip your fingers into the fur pet cat or dog

- make a big gulp of cold water on a hot day

- touch own hair after a visit to a good hairdresser

- by the fire to warm cold hands

- sweet yawn after several unsuccessful attempts

- hug a loved one after a long separation

- listen and feel the quiet purr cat

- inhale the scent of garlic, which is just a few seconds ago was immersed in boiling olive oil in a frying pan

- fingering small beads, beads, or play with a thin metal chain

- brand new toothbrush to brush your teeth brush

- again put on glasses after you have wiped them from dust

- stay with elastic fingers wizened PVA glue layer, the second layer of your own skin

- back home in the evening and reset finally uncomfortable clothes

- wrap up warm soft cozy blanket in the chilly rainy day

- fill up on fresh sheet

- again to smell own childhood

- gently biting the skin lover

- to experience life as a heck of a nice piece with the first sip of good wine.

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