
Amazing androids and robots : Top 10

According to the hypothesis, the effect of "sinister valley", the more realistic robot becomes, the less he likes people. Technology continues to grow in geometric progression, and the line between human and robot are fast becoming blurred. Robots are now able to demonstrate human motion emulate our appearance and even to a certain extent have consciousness. Robots can be programmed quite differently, they can teach you everything and make a very real looking. This list provides examples of the latest and most advanced robots and androids.

10. Robot nurse BEAR

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While robots can make our lives easier, they can also make our lives much safer. The robot, developed by «Vecna ​​Technologies», known as «Battlefield Extraction-Assist Robot» (BEAR), used for rescue operations in dangerous situations as a robot nurse. Robot nurse BEAR able to move heavy objects over long distances on uneven surfaces (including stairs), he has an amazing agility and the ability to maintain your balance, and it has a fire-resistant protectors and battery. The robot can be easily controlled using the remote or gloves, and it can be used in dangerous situations to rescue the wounded soldiers, while not risking a single human life. Huge steel frame BEAR is controlled by a hydraulic system. The robot can lift up to 236 pounds of weight and define the environment in which it is located by means of infrared and night vision and optical cameras.

In addition, although definitely BEAR can lift heavy objects, it is also endowed with the agility that allows him to keep such fragile things like an egg without breaking them. It can perfectly balance by keeping heavy objects, while other robots are usually flipped when performing such a task. BEAR has developed considerably since the introduction of its original design and now he can perform high-level commands, which he is given his statements. He was even equipped with a friendly humanoid person who is injured more pleasant to look at. Developers plan to further develop abilities BEAR, so he could save both military and civilians from dangerous situations.

9. BINA48

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BINA48 (Breakthrough Intelligence via Neural Architecture) quickly gained the title of the shockingly realistic android ever created. BINA48 was created and programmed by David Hanson (David Hanson) of the organization «Terasem Movement». She modeled in the likeness of his wife co-founder of the organization, Bina Rotblat (Bina Rothblatt). Despite the fact that everyone will agree with the fact that BINA48 has extraordinary physical resemblance to a real person, makes it so innovative that it actually plays the real thoughts, memories, emotions and feelings Bina.

On that to collect the thoughts of Bina and program them into the android took more than 100 hours of operation. BINA48 can now carry on intelligent conversations on different topics using manners real Bina. BINA48 also has the ability to learn. Her vocabulary and knowledge continues to grow daily contact with people. Despite the fact that it currently is not equipped with the body, one can express her head more than 64 senses, which are based on its issued and received information from the outside. For many people the ability to BINA48 are terrible, however, its creators hope to continue its development and improvement of its technological consciousness. BINA48 is not only able to make their own conclusions on a particular issue, based on the memories and tastes, she also learns to accompany their solutions relevant information and explanations.

8. NAO

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When you think about Androyd, emotional potential is probably not the first thing that comes to mind. However, the NAO robot boasts the ability to learn, recognize and interact with people, and to develop emotions. NAO was developed by «Aldebaran Robotics» and its height is only 58 inches.

NAO big plus is how easy it is to program. University of Hertfordshire (University of Hertfordshire) uses this ability to help him explore the emotions. Relying on the ability of the NAO to recognize faces and body language, the new model NAO can form an attachment to those whom he sees often. After this, the NAO will learn about the emotions as well as children do - by observation, not by programming the feelings of anger, fear, sadness, excitement, pride and happiness. NAO will actually learn when and how to use these emotions by observing the teachers and by the method of trial and error. In addition, he will be able to learn a few other skills, including how to write and speak different languages. NAO was used as a teacher and to visit the children. NAO can produce the show, scratching cats, help with research, play football and work in the hospital. Scientists are eagerly awaiting the opportunity to look into the future of this little robot.

7. HRP-4C

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Until now, the androids in this list were clearly robotoobraznymi. However, the model HRP-4C (Meemu) Androyd brings a new level of its striking resemblance to a real person. This is another masterpiece from the Japanese company «AIST». Meemu was created in the image of the average young Japanese women. Her height is 157 centimeters, she weighs 43 pounds and can recognize faces, speech and ambient noise.

But the really stunning it makes the ability to mimic human facial expressions and movements of the human that it does surprisingly well. It is often called a "super-realistic", besides it can even dance. When she was introduced on the podium in 2009, photographers managed to capture it in a variety of poses, smiling or frowning. The company's designers «AIST» explained that they decided to make it her face (not the body) super-realistic, because they thought that the body would produce just too terrible impression.


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Who does not love cute baby harp seal? They are exactly like the Japanese company «AIST», which has developed a remarkably realistic robotic seal named Paro for use in therapy. Vapor interacts with people and how to communicate with them to present pups by moving its head and fins and emitting sounds using five sensors (sound, light, tactile, position, and temperature) to assess their environment. It is great for therapy because he remembers how his owner communicates with him, and interacts with the host, based on the studied parameters (this is besides the fact that it is simply charming.) For example, if it beeps in a certain way and you hug him, he will be more likely to squeak in a similar manner. On the other hand, if it moves or makes sounds that you do not like, and you hit it, Paro understands that he should never do these movements.

Paro actually certified in the Guinness Book of Records as the most effective therapeutic robot in the world to have a positive social and psychological effects on patients. It not only can reduce stress, but also improves the relationship between patients and the people who care for them. These robots have a variety of applications, such as in hospitals and nursing homes, where they give the patient love of a pet is not causing any problems and concerns related to the content of the real four-legged friend. Paro can show emotion by its owner and is still the leading therapeutic robot.


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While most scientists are not trying to create robots that are too similar to humans because of the theory of the effect of "sinister valley", scientists from the University of Pisa are actively trying to prove that this theory is not true. They have created a robot nicknamed the person who is considered to be innovative in the field of realistic human facial expressions. Most of the robots that have the ability to imitate the facial expressions of the people, give only a set of 5 or 6 emotions. A person can express these emotions (eg, happiness, sadness, disgust, surprise, fear and indifference), but it is also capable of displaying a range of other emotions in between these categories. A person uses a motor 32, which are located around the contour of his face and upper body to show human-like facial expressions. Scientists hope that the person will be able to be used in a variety of situations, including the education of children with autism. A person will be able to facilitate their understanding of the mood of the people through their facial expressions.

4. Actroid

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While HRP-4C has been a person who looks at an incredibly human, Aktroid has also equally realistic body, and even more human behavior. It was first created by the company «Kokoro Company Ltd», which, since the first model developed several new and improved versions of it. With the pneumatic actuators arranged at several points in the upper part of his body Aktroid can respond appropriately to various types of tactile data. For example, if Aktroid feels that he wants to give a slap in the face, it can quickly dodge or hit back, but it normally react with a pat on the shoulder. Aktroid also able to repeat the subtle human movements of the head and eyes, and when you look at it, it seems that he is breathing.

Aktroida can be taught to a large number of human movement, as their initial capacity equal to zero, and they can only be seat or put on his feet, leaning on a stable holders. In addition to their original model aktroida called «Repliee Q-1", the company «Kokoro Company Ltd» has also created «Repliee R-1", aktroida in the form of a little Japanese girl. The company «Kokoro Company Ltd», as well as a group of scientists from the University of Osaka, say their main goal is to create realistic robots so that people will not even notice the difference when dealing with them. So far aktroidy much closer to that goal - some people confuse them with people for a few minutes. In addition, some people even forget that they are dealing with a robot because of the movements and reactions of robots so realistic. A relative of «Repliee Q-1" and «R-1" known as «Geminoid» android is designed and created by Hiroshi Ishiguro (Hiroshi Ishiguro), which is a copy of its creator.

3. Morpheus

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Be able to control the robot with gestures or using the controller is one thing, but imagine if you could control androyda by thought. These control technologies with the mind actually exist and are gaining more and more popularity with things like small helicopters. During the key breakthrough was developed robot known as «Morpheus», which is able to execute commands, to give by thought. The controller is placed in a swimming cap filled with electrodes. This procedure is completely non-invasive and can boast considerable success was 94 percent (up to this point for the mental control of a robot basically required that the electrodes are surgically implanted in the skull of the operator). Created by Rajesh Rao (Rajesh Rao) from the University of Washington, Morpheus gives great hope that he will be able to become a partner, to help people and even save them.

2. Atlas

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 July 11 «DARPA» unveiled one of the most technologically advanced robot to date. The height of the robot, known as Atlas is almost two meters high and weighs about 150 pounds. Developed by «Boston Dynamics» This robot has been specifically designed to be a humanoid robot that can help people in dangerous situations, such as the meltdown of the nuclear reactor. He has to take part in the competition of robots, held «DARPA in December, and so far« Boston Dynamics »will work to improve its software.

Despite the fact that Atlas and so much like the character from the movie Terminator it becomes even more creepy when you realize that he is capable of doing. With a 28 hydraulic actuators, hands, feet, head, torso, sensors and on-board computer that runs in real time, the atlas can not only assess his environment, but also to respond with such dexterity that was not observed in any other Androyd. It can perform basic functions such as walking, grab, rotate, and gives visual feedback as well as able to perform tasks such as climbing stairs, zapuskanie and driving the car, and connecting a fire hose to the valve. Lasers and computers robot operating in real time allows him to feel and explore the environment even from a distance. «DARPA» competition uses robots to support development in the field of robotics. They are confident that Atlas perfectly manifest itself not only in competition, but can also be applied in the real world.


androids and robots

Built by «Honda», android robot ASIMO was first introduced in October 2000. Despite the fact that his appearance is not too noticeable, its height is only 130 centimeters and weighs 54 kilograms - that's ASIMO ability set him apart from the mass of the other robots. The robot was designed to be a personal assistant and help those who can not help themselves. It runs on battery power, and in spite of the fact that he has no ability to think, it can be controlled by a computer, controller, or voice signals.

Probably seems pretty run of the mill, but ASIMO can also distinguish between people and interact with them by means of perception of their postures, gestures, sounds, and even individuals. If you entered the room, ASIMO would turn to face you, and in fact would shake hands with you, if you were first held out her hand. It can even distinguish one person from another, noting about 10 people. ASIMO was presented at several conventions and at the moment is on public display at Disneyland. Despite the fact that this is not the most advanced robot ASIMO and the ability of its anthropomorphic features allow it to remain at the same level of popularity as the more modern robots.

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