
The most undemanding plants

Many plants can brighten our lives, without asking too much trouble, takes time. I suggest you heed the list of the most undemanding houseplants.

These plants can be transplanted every few years, they are perfectly endure the conditions of their apartments with dry air, putting up with the lack of light and irregular watering. In general, the ideal plant for the people are very busy or scattered: the hardest thing - to get as much further care will not take much effort.

Place on a window sill for aloe was always. Somewhere between a ficus and geraniums. But it is not appreciated for their beauty and for the exceptional vitality and usefulness. Prickly, splayed, clings to the curtain, but remarkably tenacious, ready to endure any hardship and deprivation - in the summer heat, winter cold, shade and sun, the long absence of water and poor rocky soil. In this wonderful healer heals everything - from cuts to consumption.

For the title of "room doctor" with this plant Kalanchoe rivals. This is representative of the family Crassulaceae, perfectly adapted to the lack of water that is stored in their fleshy leaves. Crassulaceae decorative due to its unusual shape (and often color) leaves and, of course, flowers. Relatively small in size, they are usually brightly colored petals and then assembled into large florets, sometimes very original forms. In folk medicine, Kalanchoe has a reputation miracle cure almost any disease. This is not entirely true, as the kalanchoe is credited as its own properties and advantages of aloe. Therefore, the "home recipes" using kalanchoe do not trust implicitly.

Crassula (Krasula) has been the glory of the "money tree." It is equally unpretentious care, it is considered a symbol of prosperity, as well as the mascot Feng Shui, attracting material well-being in the house. You can easily check how well these recommendations: Crassula is unlikely to wither even the inveterate sluggard.

Haworthias or gavortsii (Haworthia) have ideal characteristics in terms of the "Plant for the lazy." They do not require bright sun, they do not need much space. Haworthias tolerate even the blunders of care and long-term absence of the owners. But at the same time, they are cute, are very diverse and can brighten any home.

Spurge (Euphorbia) - an absolute "survival specialist." The richness and variety of life forms, these plants have no equal. Among them you can find stunted trees and thorny bushes giants stem succulents, annuals and perennials. They are sometimes confused with cacti. But, unlike the prickly native-born Americans, they secrete a milky juice. Hence, one of their names - euphorbias. The composition includes latex rubber Euphorbia, amino acids, essential oils, sugars and resins. In resins found a poisonous substance - euforbin. Therefore, almost all euphorbias are poisonous. Euforbin can cause burns, inflammation of the mucous membranes of the eyes, nose, disruption of the gastrointestinal tract. When planting and breeding these plants need to be careful. But, fortunately, they can grow for years without the need for a transplant.

Ivy transforms not only the landscape, but also the interior. Clinging to the strings and ropes, carefully stretched from the cabinet to the window, climbing the walls, ivy can decorate the most ordinary-looking room. Is it any wonder that so many years he is in the 10 most beloved and popular houseplants?

Equally taxing sansevieriya. For the shape and colors of the people call it "snake tail", "Teschin language", "snake skin" and even "African hemp." Thick fleshy leaves are used as a reservoir in which the fabric is held through vodozapasayuschey water and the plant will easily withstand dry periods.

A Tradescantia, Chlorophytum and ficus have fitontsidnymi properties - the ability to purify the air in the room.

Among undemanding plants, there are those that attract the attention of bright blooms. For example, geranium (Pelargonium) - one of the traditional symbols of comfort. First Pelargonium brought to Europe the Dutch sailors and pharmacists in the middle of the XVII century. Having stayed at the Cape of Good Hope on the way to Indo-China and Japan, they acquired local plants to the botanical gardens and collectors. Within a half-century in the Netherlands, France and England were grown numerous hybrids and varieties, some of which survive to this day. Then they became popular not less than tulips. Now many varieties of different species of pelargonium amaze the diverse colors and shapes. This plant will require some trouble. In particular, to preserve the compactness and abundant flowering pelargonium needs regular transplants, shaping and rejuvenation. But if it can not find the time, geranium will still bloom, just not as plentiful.

Oddly enough, but contrary to fame "whimsical tropical plants," the inherent orchids, unpretentious and can be found among them. For example, phalaenopsis, with flowers that look like butterflies, require even less of a hassle than the geranium. At the same flowers in Phalaenopsis held not less than three months

Even by the low-maintenance plants with bright colors are Hoya. No wonder floriferous "waxy ivy" as incorrectly called Hoya meaty can often see in public places

Excellent choice could be a cactus-forest "Decembrist" or euharis. The scientific name "Decembrist" - Schlumberger. Brazilians call them "Christmas cactus" because they bloom there in the height of summer, at Christmas. Once in Europe, the natives of the State of Rio de Janeiro did not want to change a habit and continue to bloom at the same time, in December, when the Northern Hemisphere winter. And if this forest of cactus flowers will add bright colors of winter, the euharis blooms with flowers, like daffodils in the fall. However, its large leaves are decorative and all the rest of the year. Another advantage of it is that this native of the Amazon basin does not require bright light and thrives in a few meters away from the window

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