
The destroyed city of Syria (14 photos)

Today, the world community is focused on the potential conflict with North Korea,
but in fact the active hostilities are underway in Syria.

This March was a sad date that marks the second anniversary of the outbreak of hostilities.
Since then, the refugees have become more than a million people, and that number continues to grow each day.

This month was one of the bloodiest of all the fighting,
since it was in March in Syria killed more than 6,000 people.
No active supporters of President Assad, nor rebel forces were not able to take
control of most of the republic, in fact, the international community has failed to achieve
any results for the cessation of hostilities in Syria.

In this post you will see the pictures have come in over the last 6 weeks
from the ruined cities of Aleppo, Deir al-Zor, Homs, Deraa, Idlib and Damascus.

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