
Visiting the Hobbits

New Zealand attractive to tourists in the first place due to its unique, unspoiled nature. Snow-capped mountains, green meadows, blue lakes, hot geysers, dense forests fascinate the human eye

Visiting the Hobbits

In 2001, New Zealand became a place of filming the film adaptation of the novel by J.. R. R. Tolkien's "The Lord of the Rings." All three films were shot simultaneously in more than one hundred different parts of the country that would later become not only attract tolkinistov, but also ordinary travelers. So, one of the most famous landmarks, the remaining part after filming is considered Hobbiton. It is here that the film lived hobbits. It is worth noting that the tour in Hobbiton to be costly - $ 50 for an adult. Here you can visit the cozy cottages-holes, which lie in the hills, to be photographed on a background of artificial tree over Bilbo Baggins housing and dine in the café. Unfortunately, some of the scenery came in a loss, but firms are trying to get the owners of the territory of a full recovery.

New Zealand Visiting the Hobbits

New Zealand Visiting the Hobbits

New Zealand Visiting the Hobbits

New Zealand Visiting the Hobbits

New Zealand Visiting the Hobbits

New Zealand Visiting the Hobbits

New Zealand Visiting the Hobbits

New Zealand Visiting the Hobbits

New Zealand Visiting the Hobbits

New Zealand Visiting the Hobbits

New Zealand Visiting the Hobbits

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