
Why can not eat a lot of sunflower seeds?

Seeds are extracted from sunflowers, they are in their composition contain a lot of nutrients, vitamins and minerals.

It potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, sodium, calcium, fats and carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins V.D, C and E. In addition, sunflower seeds contain methionine, which controls the level of cholesterol in the blood.
But despite the clear benefits of sunflower seeds, too much passion they can bring some harm to the body.
Dentists warn about the dangers of sunflower seeds as at their rasschelkivanii damaged tooth enamel, which could then cause tooth decay.

Therefore, if you still can not give up the pleasure to eat sunflower seeds, try to extract the nuclei themselves seeds hands, not his teeth .

Seeds often sell dirty.

Never believe what is written on the bag with seeds.

After all the dirt on seeds of unknown origin can cause a lot of trouble.

It may be commonplace by food poisoning and may be the reason that your body will settle such parasites like worms, or others like them.

Since you are so fond of sunflower seeds, buy them raw, home rinse thoroughly, pat dry and fry in a pan.
And do not forget to clean them by hand, so that subsequently had to visit the dentist and fill your teeth.
sunflower seeds should not be carried away by those who have excess weight, as sunflower seeds very high in calories.

One hundred grams seeds contain about 500 calories, which equals one tile of dark chocolate (this).
When a sore throat, or have a tickle, as well as people who are professionally engaged in singing, nibble sunflower seeds contraindicated.

Finally - recently found out that raw sunflower seeds contain such harmful elements such as cadmium.
No matter how he appears there, is important - in the use of seeds must be dried or roasted.
But with all the negative reviews, the seeds give pleasure in their use, only need to comply with the minimum rules and standards, and the clicking of seeds will not harm.

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