
non-tourist Shiraz in Iran

Will Iran, sure to come around for a couple of days in Shiraz - a city of poets, flowers and wine (wine, but already buy FIG). It is the home galaxy of outstanding cultural medieval Iran: Hafiz, Saadi and others. Before the Revolution of 1979 - the largest wine center, and now - the center of the oil, electronics and tourism. Shiraz is known for its relatively mild climate and an abundance of greenery in the streets. Also, the city is famous for its oases, arranged in accordance with the descriptions in the Qur'an ghostly gardens of bliss.

From myself I will add that in Shiraz has a great margin and non-tourist areas, which were no less interesting than the mosque, gardens and all sorts of cabinets. Today, it is a report about these places and about their inhabitants.

Yesenin wrote: "I want to drive, even in Shiraz and, I think, drive carefully. There in fact are born all the best Persian poetry. No wonder Muslims say that if he does not sing, so he is not from Shusha, if he's not writing, it means that he is not one of Shiraz. "


Some alleys.

Shoe Repair.

Almost the whole city is covered with asphalt.

Shiraz, Yazd only interesting, but it is his turn has not come yet.

The most dangerous moment for the entire Iranian ride. Basking in the sun on the sun bum heard the shutter clicks and as teammates jumped up and walked toward me. He was walking like a zombie, something humming and waving a chain with a piece of debris and feathers on the end. I was about to do the leg as others arrived, the homeless, they subdued and dragged his colleague. Just wanted to review the Walking dead!

Shiraz cat.

Shiraz is located in the valley of the small river Hoshk in the Zagros Mountains at an altitude of over 1,500 meters above sea level.

Magic margin. A bit like Derbent in Dagestan.

Imagine how many challenges waiting for tenants who want to drag him into the house piano.

An important difference from the Iranian roofs, for example, the UAE - that there is no roof satellite dishes.

Iranian schoolgirls.

Mausoleum of Hafez.

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