
Erroneous statements about animals (11 photos)

Since childhood, we have learned a lot about the animals - both from the school course, and on television. This means that our understanding of the animals, as well as many other things that are wrong. While the mass media do an excellent job with their work on our amusement, they often make mistakes when it comes to teaching us new things. In this article we will look at ten popular enduring myths about animals.

1. Toads. False: from touching frogs grow warts. This is surprisingly widespread, and many people with Google trying to find out if there is some truth in this belief. And the truth is that in this there is no truth at all. This myth probably stems from the fact that parents usually tell their children not to touch the toads just found in the mud. However, it appears that the warts can pick up almost anywhere, it is the human papilloma virus - but it has nothing to do with the toads. However, parents can still give their children a good reason not to touch the frogs, as their skin contains bufotoksin, which can cause irritation.

2. Goldfish. False: In the goldfish bad memory. Another common myth that goldfish have little or no memory and pretty stupid. It turns out that goldfish are actually very intelligent creatures, and probably would not be grateful for trying to denigrate their intelligence. Memory of a goldfish is actually quite developed, as opposed to what you think they are able to remember things a week later, and can be trained to carry out complex tasks. Among the set of tasks that they learned or pushing levers, bells and jumping through hoops, in other words, they are almost as smart as rats.

3. Cheetahs. False: cheetah is the fastest animal in the world. This is part of the truth, because the cheetah is the fastest land animal in the world, it reaches a speed of 109 km / h for short distances, exceeding the speed limit on many U.S. highways. However, the cheetah is the fastest animal on the planet, that title belongs to the bird. Iglohvosty swift speeds of over 111 km / h in level flight is the fastest living creature on the planet. A close relative of this bird was faster, but the record is not considered official by scientists because the manner in which this measurement was carried out, has not been tested. In addition, the fastest fish in the world, sailboats, essentially shared second place with cheetahs, swimming at a speed of 109 km / h

4. Spiders Opilliones. False: Spiders Opilliones incredibly poisonous. Opilliones spiders are one of the most bizarre public spiders in the world, and it turns out that the reason for this is that they are not spiders at all. These creatures are officially Opilliones, and belong to the arachnids. It is also known as the Reapers. Apart from the fact that people make mistakes confusing them with spiders, in fact it is much more confusing. Many believe that the spiders Opilliones extremely poisonous and that we do not care, because their mouths are too small to bite us. The popular myth also says that some people in other countries eat them, but they are just as safe. Spiders Opilliones really are not poisonous at all, and are completely safe, even if they be eaten raw.

5. Ostriches. False: Ostriches bury their heads in the sand. This is one of those myths that are incredibly ingrained, largely thanks to the popular saying, which makes us take it for granted. We've all heard that when someone does not want to deal with the problem that they "dive head in the sand like an ostrich," supposedly so birds do when near danger. Meanwhile, the owls tend to run away if they feel that the approaching danger, and they have a powerful impact, to protect themselves. So, ostriches just lower your head below to be more difficult to see.

6. Bulls. False: Bulls fly into a rage when they see red. Meanwhile, we, the people (and some of our relatives), we can distinguish between a wide range of colors, there are plenty of animals for whom it is a problem, and the bull is one of them. In research it has been found that in fact not react bulls numbers, and motion. The myth of red bull and is saying "like a bull to a red." However, the bulls will never get angry because of a particular color, but rather due to the flamboyantly dressed man waving, and other people around him, and producing a tremendous amount of noise.

7. Snakes. False: Snakes hear and respond to music. Spell snake is one of the most interesting things, and even though it's dangerous, I feel that would be incredibly cool to learn it. Snake charmers play his flute, and the snake sways to the music, fascinated by the soothing notes. Well, except for the fact that everything in the last sentence is not true. It turns out that the snake can not hear what people are doing, they can feel the vibrations, and in the process of snake charming in fact they respond to the motion made by snake charmer, not the sound of the flute. It turns out that, like many artists of street art, snake charmers are more worried about making it look as if you are doing something. In addition, some of them may very bad deal with these animals: many missed his snakes through the dangerous process - removing their fangs.

8. Koalas. False: Koala - it bears. Lot of people talking about nice little furry creatures that live in the eucalyptus in Australia, will talk about them "koala bears." This definition is quite understandable, because they are very similar to miniature bears, but they are actually marsupials. Koala is a marsupial, because it has a pocket, which deprived bears. It turns out that in fact much closer to the koalas wombats than the bears.

9. Dogs. False: You can not teach an old dog new tricks. Everybody has heard of the word and not just memorized, but many of them have taken it as gospel. It turns out that this myth is not only applies to dogs, this is not true for humans as well. Studies have been conducted on older dogs, and found that with proper training they can learn new tricks, like a young dog. Similar studies have been conducted on humans, and it was found that young people are as well trained as the elderly.

10.Delfiny. False: Dolphins - your ocean friends. There is one thing that is usually said with certainty that the dolphins will help in the ocean, to save you from the sharks and help you find the way to the bank. Everything is the opposite - they are murderers! Recently, scientists have made some very disturbing discoveries about the dolphins and that they are tortured to death, dolphin, they hurt themselves like that. Experts find it difficult to explain why dolphins are killed their own kind, but some believe that it may be a sexual killing. In the event of an error, the fact that dolphins have learned to enjoy the pleasure of killing, may mean that their intelligence is growing. There are not many animals that are capable of such things, except perhaps for the person.


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